Children – Care – Career

Welcome to the E-platform Children – Care – Career, part of the project ‘Equal Participation of Women in the European Chemical Industry’, undertaken by IndustriAll Europe, ECEG and FECCIA and funded by the European Commission (see for further information).

With this platform the project partners would like to provide a depository of continuously updated information on the most relevant developments regarding equal participation of women in the labour market on the national and European levels, including best practices, social partner agreements and general strategies for combining training opportunities, jobs and careers with raising children and the increasing need to look after elderly parents and other family members.

The project partners invite users to exchange information and to comment on the issues raised in the Resources and Best Practices sections, or indeed on any other relevant issue, by using the ‘Comment’ functionality provided.



The Swedish association of managers and professionals, Ledarna, points out that if the gender

In 2013 the European Commission continued taking action to improve equality between women and men